Disc 8. Global Resources Distribution

It is a painful part of humanity's evolution as a species that children starve to death. That is the baseline of how you can measure the maturity of a species.

Humanity has an exceptional planet with many sustainable systems and more than enough for all of humanity within an adult universal system. Poverty exists because humanity lives on a pyramid system that does not encourage humans to treat one another like equals or family.



The planet's resources have been here a very long time and humanity has been on this planet a very brief amount of time. In that short time humanity as a species in evidence, has proven what damage can be done to systems that protect and provide for humanity under a pyramid leadership.

: a source of supply or support ; an available means.
: a natural source of wealth or revenue.
: a natural feature or phenomenon that enhances the quality of human life.
: the collective wealth or its means of producing wealth.


The top of a pyramid system and their greedy psychotic corporations have plundered nearly every possible resource on the planet that they could turn a profit on.

What resources they haven’t plundered, they are trying to control. The majority of governments on a corrupt pyramid system are in a similar orbit around the very people who profit by this plan.

The insatiable greed at the top of a pyramid system would, I suspect, one day be charging for the air they made unbreathable, there is always a way to turn a profit on a pyramid system.



This pyramid system will most likely create the air market as they destroy forests at the rate of a soccer field a second, the planetary equivalent of Lung Cancer.

Psychotic bi-polarized corporations at the top of a pyramid operate with no sense of long term consequence to turn a profit. Planet stripping, resource extortion and resulting wars appear to be the existing plan moving forward for humaity's leadership.

Desertification, industrial pollution, damaged ozone, and garbage floating in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas is currently leadership’s answer to planetary resource management.

The critical planetary resources were engineered in systems to be sustainable and not collapse. What used to be self-renewing systems have been extensively damaged by humanity.

The protection of the very systems will not happen unless humanity has adult leadership in a universal adult system.

Those in control seem to have no effective plan to protect what they won’t be around to profit from. They don’t seem to want to waste their hoarded wealth at the top of a pyramid system in the protection of a planet for future generations.

One of the most critical investments that humanity can make in keeping its own planets systems operating correctly. This appears to be perceived as an unnecessary expense at the top of a pyramid. Weaker, damaged systems and more people needing them, is the answer from humanity's current leadership.

This planet has some amazing materials that are available and renewable but that is not always profitable enough for a greedy few.

Movies that portray technologically advanced universal species visiting Earth as a resource-raping psychotics is imaginative and entertaining, but hypocritical, when psychotic planetary resource raping is done right here on Earth by humanity and it's leadership.


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