Disc 6. Current Police and Military Systems

Power that comes from a corrupted core, is corrupt power, it is unimportant how well-intentioned or honourable those individuals whose task it is to implement and enforce that power and control, it would still be corrupt, to the core.

The top of a pyramid appears to believe that a primary function of the police and military is to protect their interests, wealth and keep a base line of the majority in line to serve a pyramid system.

A primary function of the military seems to be intervening in childish situations that the top of a pyramid usually creates for their own wealth interests and agendas or because of incompetent leadership.

The vast majority of humanity it appears, funds these agendas from the bottom of a pyramid, both with their wealth and their expendable lives.

Pyramid enforcers are both encouraged and conditioned to serve a pyramid system, not question it with their own human intellect and sense of values.

: the regulation and control of a community, especially for the maintenance of public order.
: any body of people officially maintained or employed to keep order, enforce regulations.
: people who seek to regulate a specified activity or practice.
:  to control, regulate, or keep in order by use of police.

: of, for, or pertaining to the army or armed forces, often as distinguished from the navy:
: following the life of a soldier, a military career.
: performed by soldiers:

View L > R
Left       :  Elite
Middle :  Police and Military controlled by top of pyramid.
Right    :  Majority of humanity

A very large component of crime is the result of underfunded resources and lack of opportunity at the bottom of a pyramid for the vast majority of humanity.

Desperate humans do desperate things. The bottom of the pyramid of human existence is an environment to create crime and division. The top of the pyramid uses that inevitable outcome to serve their own interests. 

Displacing wealth and opportunity equally within an adult universal system, almost completely removes a crime component from society. Unfortunately equal wealth and opportunity displacement does not happen within pyramid systems because it would in effect collapse the pyramid of control.

A corrupt pyramid system with a repetitive cycle of crime that never ends, because the pyramid system has not ended.  This human condition is the direct result of greed and selfish  behaviour by childish leadership.

The pyramid encourages many people to become criminals, because becoming a criminal can be far more advantageous than serving a life long desperate existence on the bottom of a pyramid system.

Many at the top of a leadership pyramid are very effective criminals because of bi-polarization issues that cause psychotic behaviour, a similar psychology to many criminals.

The few at the top of a pyramid use very similar psychology to criminals, to set examples of adult and dignified human behaviour with the left hand, while they exploit their own species and planet with the right.

Criminal is criminal, regardless of what a pyramid chooses to communicate to the vast majority. There is no escaping a universal reality, the top of a pyramid system desperately holds onto power and control.

The top of a pyramid system depends on police and military systems to protect them, their interests, wealth, and keep a pyramid system in place. If humanity has no universally adult system, humanity will always end up with pyramid enforcement to protect interests at the top.

War is a tragedy, and it impacts the majority of humanity. There are enough resources on this planet to go around when managed correctly by an adult species, and not by a childish leadership with wealth hoarding agendas.

There is no actual need for resource based wars. If a resource based war was profitable for the few at the top of a pyramid, it would most likely happen, it has.Wars are marketed to the bottom of the pyramid, after it has been decided what the majority of humanity should know or believe.

The conflicts between different global pyramid systems are typically paid for by the majority one way or another, in lives, taxes or the resources of their lands.

In a future where humanity would be a universal custodial adult, the militaries of today would be a globally unified force that works in the service and the protection of everyone on this planet and not serve the few with pyramid agendas.

A military function should be to protect humanity from tyranny. Tyranny can come in many forms: individuals, group of individuals, corporations, nations and systems. Tyranny is an extreme bi-polarization of human psychology.

Arbitrary or unrestrained  exercise of power; despotic abuse of authority. Cruel and unfair treatment by people with power over others.

Tyrannical childish behaviours of some human leaders seems psychotic because a tyrant or tyrannical entity processes on a very childish level, will tantrum like a very young child and believes it is a God.

In the interests of humanity's development as a species, tyranny must be dealt with effectively. Tyrants are very good at deflecting accusations of tyranny somewhere else so that their ‘God like’ leadership delusions remain intact, as does their power and control systems.

Many soldiers are trained to protect people from tyranny and should never be asked to sacrifice so much, for pyramid profits and hidden agendas. Tyranny would not exist anywhere within an adult system.

The Greatest threat to humanity and this planet is militaries engaging in nuclear war either by accident or by direction from bi-polarized leadership; humanity lives with enough weaponry to cause a global apocalypse within minutes.


Earth was designed and engineered  through an exceptional universal process, in a time that existed before humanity. Therefore, it is illogical that a universal power would want humanity to destroy itself and all the other life that was created here on Earth.

Humanity’s continued abuse of each other, this planet and the resulting consequences could be apocalyptic. It is illogical to think that a Universal power micromanages human development, humanity has to grow up and take personal responsibility as a species to prevent those scenarios.

Nuclear weapons are the sharp knife in a child’s hand, the hands of the human species. The atom bomb provided horrific images that have possibly been the greatest singular nuclear deterrent.

Humanity is unfortunately childish enough to engage in nuclear war with horrific consequences. A transition to adulthood is when humanity will be safe from nuclear war.

Technology being used to threaten your own species and planet is probably one of the greatest testimonials of childish human leaderships. Children are not always very good at rationalizing consequences even when they have been warned. 

What humanity would do with advanced universal technology at its current stage of human development would be terrifying. No universally adult species in this universe would logically be irresponsible enough to share technology with humanity, until it is an adult.

There is no such thing as responsible adult management of nuclear weapons, if humanity were an adult species, it would not have them, it's that simple.

Historically under a nuclear threat, it seems to be very good luck that humanity is still here as a species, and not because of the wisdom of humanity's leadership.

The nations that now aspire to have nuclear weapons have been set a childish global example of what to do with nuclear technology, by the nations that developed them.

Hypocritical childish leadership dictates that some nations put these aspirations of nuclear weapons aside with one hand while holding nuclear weapons with the other.

Adult Nuclear technology has many positive uses, humanity’s Sun is a constant nuclear process, so a good example has been set. Life on Earth is made possible by the Sun’s nuclear power.

Nuclear is an example of amazing universal engineering in the hands of the Universe, but not in humanity's, not before it becomes an adult species. On a universal adult planet nuclear technology would be used to give systems power and life and not cause darkness and massive species death.

The Sun is a very advanced nuclear reactor, which gives an entire solar system free energy, an adult application of nuclear technology as evidenced throughout the universe.

Humanity growing up and becoming custodial adults, respecting the people and the planet will be the legacy of how human leadership behaved when it was time for humanity to grow up.

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