Disc 2. Political Systems – Sustainable Community Development 02-KDS

A Sustainable Community Development based on a Cruise Ship model does not need any politicians. An actual Cruise Ship does not require Politicians for day to day operations because it has a defined operational process.

An actual Cruise Ship is a multitude of many different systems, shedules, procedures and facilities across many different skill sets. It would make sense  that qualified individuals define that operational process and not ridiculous politicians trying to get control of the ships wheel any way they can.

Related-Disc 30: Global Star Council.

These operating practices would be very similar to an actual Cruise Ship, and once the Community Cruise ships are in place globally, the Community Ships as with a Fleet of identical ships, would have an almost identical operating process.

A make sense, family driven and simplified operational process would be implemented in a Sustainable Community Development to ensure their continued smooth operation. A competent Operational Process would replace endless, often corrupt and mostly pointless political debate and lack of action.

The Cruise Ships are the same, the operarting process is the same, to ensure a productive, fun and safe passenger experience for everyone, and to keep the Cruise Ship Communities operating efficiently as to respect global resources. 

Politicians and Leadership from A Star Perspective.

The Political Class are for the most part, a class of humans that enjoy power and control. The majority of humanity has to pay for them to analyze and debate and never actually do very much that serves the majority interest.

The closer human leadership gets to a 'God like' epicentre of control, the more entitled and extreme they usually become about power often causing paranoia and tyranny.

A tyrant usually thinks it is a God and as most Tyrants are psychotic, a psychotic on the Bridge of a Cruise Ship is obviously a dangerous dynamic for anything on the Ship. The top of human pyramid systems have many Tyrants in evidence with even more Politicians in their pockets. 



Left: Adults in equality as a team and a family
Right: Politicians in the core trying to get to the center

View L > R
Left: Elite at top
Middle: Politicians Serving Elite Interests
Right: Majority of humanity

: use of intrigue or strategy in obtaining any position of power or control.
: activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government.
: dishonest or illegal behaviour by powerful people.
: the act or state of being corrupt.
: something that deceives or is intended to deceive; fraud; artifice.
: the act of making someone believe something that is not true : the act of deceiving.
: an act or statement intended to make people believe something that is not true.
: to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means to one's own advantage
: to change by artful or unfair means so as to serve one's purpose :
: the state of being manipulated.

Self promoting politicians and political parties of the same human ‘ political class ‘ close to centre with voters in orbit around the perimeter.

Adult Global Leadership council of qualified and invited individuals working as a team.

Does Your Vote Matter?

In order to hold a central bi-polar position of power and control, Politicians tell voters whatever they feel will give them the most votes to hold or achieve that central bi-polar position.

Hypocrisy, contradiction and corruption are the inevitable outcome of having to deceive your way to an inner core of power. Anything built on lies and deceit, is corrupt.

Humanity's leadership it appears is corrupt to the core. Opposing political parties of exactly the same political class or types of human, with similar power and control issues and pyramid interests to serve, is not freedom of leadership choice, it is just the illusion of it.

Politicians serving their own agendas and usually the top of a pyramid system is not leadership for the vast majority in evidence.

Current Human Political Leadership appears to be mostly posturing and acting with an almost compulsion to manipulate truth to keep a pyramid intact and the wealth accrued at the top.

Politicians are not typically effective at making an actual good decision because an actual decision could erode a voting base or other pyramid interests being served.

Honest answers and committed actions from politicians or a political party where voting numbers are the focus and not majority interests, is neither an efficient or effective form of leadership.

Many of humanity's decisions in regards to selecting leadership is made from manipulated and disadvantaged positions. Politicians say what will get the most votes for a core power position and follow through on significantly less.

Left: Politicians
Right: Politicians around Elite on pyramid system

Regardless of how people vote with perceived freedoms, voters get the same political class / types for their leadership. Win or lose in an election, the vast majority of the political class / types remain in a political orbit and continue to be annoying.

One of the greatest tools used by politicians is projection and deflection, they are typically very skilled at this because of their bi-polar psychology and avoidance of responsibility. 

When the majority of voters point out the obvious ineffectiveness of a political and bureaucratic class, it is either projected back on them deflected elsewhere as part of the political show, but rarely up to the top of the pyramid.

Politicians do not like to take responsibility because that is an adult process, they prefer the blame game like children. Even the occasional act of taking responsibility for something is typically in itself, an act to convince the majority they do take responsibility, and the show goes on.

Socialist, Communist or Capitalist, the political base line of the majority is always at the bottom of the pyramid.

Regardless of who your political representative is, the wealth on a pyramid system always ends up in the same place, with the same people, in the same quantity, so as long as the pyramid shape of human control never changes then wealth distribution will remain essentially the same.

Humanity can vote anyway way they want within a childish system but it is very unlikely humanity will experience anything from its leadership that is adult, useful and in the service of the majority of humanity or this planet.

The evidence clearly suggests politicians don’t really know anything adult and useful anyway.


Politicians may be high up a pyramid, and high on themselves, but within a Sustainable Community Development based on a Cruise Ship Model, their First Class Cruise at the expense of others would be over.

The Political Class would for tor the first time, have to do what most politicians fear the most, get a real job.

If humanity has no universally adult star system in place, humanity will always have a pyramid system and politicians selling it, usually rebranded as a new type of freedom or a better way forward...when in reality it is mostly ass backwards.

The pyramid of control likes to remind many how free they are, which better translates into reality as, more free than some others, but not free of Politicians who keep this pyramid system in place.


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