Disc 27. Existing Infrastructure, Preservation and Tourism – Zone 2

Zone 2 is the second designation and would be selected from existing infrastructure by a council to preserve humanity's evolutionary footprint. Cities, villages to the many other places of historical and geographical interest.

When an adult species evolves and migrates into universally sustainable communities, the existing infrastructure is left behind. Humanity has done this with caves, a mature species would do it with existing infrastructure.

Architecture has documented so much of humanity's history, and those areas will need to be preserved. The selected areas would no longer accommodate a permanent residential human population so would have significantly smaller footprints, be safe and clean. These areas would now be for educational purposes for future generations and global tourism and would exist within a global park designation.

An adult species would understand that this planet is part of a universally designed and sustainable system, not some of it, all of it. The protection of a system that protects humanity and many other species is far more important than perceived land ownership within a pyramid system.

The majority of structures that are currently used for residential areas were never designed to last, they are not durable, they would be absorbed by nature or be demolished and recycled.

For the vast majority of humanity, their new physical home within an adult community would be technologically advanced, far more comfortable and of a universal standard. There is an optimal size of accommodations in relation to the size of a family and achieving global sustainability.

The preserved infrastructure would be maintained and with free transportation and time, tourism would be an important and encouraged part of community living and education. Individuals, groups, families, exploring the planet, human history and having fun is productive for humanity.

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