Disc 33. Global Unification

Unification of a species would be a very important developmental step for humanity. The universal temple would be a place for humanity, both individuals and communities to feel connected with the universe. A universal temple’s architecture universally represents a family. The architecture belongs to the universe, the temple belongs to humanity.

Human unification is far-reaching and long-lasting and would happen in a place that has been built by a global family. Unity would be a very sacred event and must be shown the respect that goes with the first circle of global human unity.

Unification is the celebration of humanity, setting aside childish behaviours and divisions and coming together as a family with equal respect and regard for one another. It signifies humanity's commitment to one another as a family.

Unity is a process that continues within universal communities; growing up as a species does not need to be an overwhelming process for anyone. Unification is a process that will create new opportunities and a new world for humanity to live in.

The benefits of unity for humanity as a species and this planet will be profound; humanity working together as a family and with every individual on this Earth a family member.

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