Disc 19. Cruise Ship Farming

Farm belts on the perimeters of Community Cruise Ships would be an interesting and educational without corporate control practices resulting in the abuse of animals, workers, crops, and the environment.

Animals would be treated with respect during a life cycle and actually have a life. Genetic abuse and the horrific treatment of so many animals for profitable reasons will be unnecessary in Cruise Ship Communities. Community Cruise Ships would conclude the tyrannical hold that corporations have on humanities food.


With profit no longer a consideration the focus would be human health and sustainable community farming. Greenhouses would be a fun and interesting place to visit, relax, and work. All zones of the Community Cruise Ship would have proportional agricultural bands.

Community farming would be hi-tech, efficient, sustainable, and a critical part of the Community Cruise Ship. Food for Profit taken out of the equation will make food healthy and safe; food nutrition and quality would not be compromised to ensure even larger profits.

The farming belts in this community example would include more artisan and craft produce. Every sector would have a market full of fresh produce. Craft beer and wineries to artisan cheeses would be made within a Community Cruise Ship.

With 43 sectors in a singular Community Cruise Ship, that is a good selection of beer, wine, cheese, and many other specialized products. Certain products from other Community Cruise Ships or from a global park could be transported to all community cores. Sustainable does not have to be fewer selections.

The sector cores would contain restaurants with fresh nutritious community grown food. Food would be crafted instead of mass-produced or processed. There would be no significant levels of food transportation required, from farm to Community Cruise Ship market. There would not be any significant wastage, supply issues or contamination.

An adult Community Cruise Ship would not produce foods that adversely affect human health. Corporations would no longer profit from attempting to fix sick people who other corporations have made sick in what appears to be a symbiotic for profit corporate relationship. The Community Cruise Ship is not an environment for mass produced corporate food.



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