Disc 16. Cruise Ship Health and Social Services

The pyramid system of today creates many of today's problems for humanity. Many of these issues would not be able to exist or flourish within a terrestrial Community Cruise Ship any more than they typically exist on an actual cruise ship.

Within the sector cores are scaled medical facilities that are of the highest universal standard and that standard is the best level of care humanity can provide. All those services are free. Family services are not subject to political budgets or any other service restrictions; people will get expedient care.

Preventative healthcare is one of the best investment of resources that an adult species can make. In a universal adult community, sick people will be a small fraction of the sick people humanity has today for multiple reasons.

Both Physical and Mental Health is a consideration that goes across the spectrum of how a Community Cruise Ship is structured. An adult system of life does not create stress and Community Cruise Ships are relaxing and stimulating and that lack of stress is much better for your health and the community.

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