Disc 7. Global Education System

Education is one of the greatest investments humanity as a species can make within its own population. It should be for everyone, everywhere and equally to a universal standard.

The top of the pyramid relies on vast majority ignorance at the base of a pyramid for control. There is not much of an incentive for the top of the pyramid to share wealth to pay for education beyond what is required to meet pyramid agendas.

No longer being able to deceive an educated majority population is not an incentive for a pyramid system to make real educational investment.

:developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life.
: the action or process of teaching someone in a school, college or university
: the knowledge, skill and understanding that you get from attending a school, college or university

View L > R
Left       :  Elite education
Middle :  Majority education
Right    :  No education

A  species that does not educate their entire population equally is not an advanced species, it is not a custodial species. Millions upon millions of children on this planet, never see the inside of a school.

The amount of children that make it to university or equivalent is a global disgrace, and the amount of children making it to an elite university is even more disgraceful.

The debt some children are in trying to get an education appears to be the combination of pyramid greed, selfishness, and an educational quota control system for the base of a pyramid. It is no coincidence that the educational pyramid looks just like humanity's wealth pyramid with nearly everything at the very top.

Less than one percent of humanity's children are getting the best education that can be provided.University is not a good name for these educational centres because it is not universal, it’s not even global with those attendance numbers.

It would be ambitious of any academic to believe they are truly an exceptional academic when less than one percent of the planet's population receives the kind of education every human should have the opportunity to receive.

The best academics are the best, of less than one percent of humanity. Humanity would have been much further along in its development as a species if human development were not being held back by a pyramid system.

It would seem there is no actual universal university degree, just a pyramid degree and debt for the vast majority. No adult species in the universe would charge its own children to learn.

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