Disc 5. Bureaucrats and Lawyers

The legal system is an over analytical dissection and fragmentation of every facet of life by a class of people who are usually the only ones that can understand the Law and its childish, dated language.

No adult universal species would have so many laws, and certainly not laws that the vast majority do not understand, so they can be manipulated whenever it is necessary by the top of a pyramid system.

The law in evidence does not appear to be written for the empowerment and protection of the majority of humanity or the protection of this planet. This planet is in no physical condition or with reasonable wealth distribution that would suggest a legal system is remotely effective for the majority of humanity.

The law has evidenced itself globally to be a completely useless, language that is ineffective for the vast majority of humanity. The law appears to be however, a very effective control tool for a very corrupt and profitable pyramid system.

: a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority
: the controlling influence of such rules; the condition of society brought about by their observance

: government of many bureaus, administrators, and petty officials.
: the body of officials and administrators, especially of a government or government department.
: excessive multiplication of, and concentration of power in, administrative bureaus or administrators.
: administration characterized by excessive red tape and routine.
: a system of government with many complicated rules, adherence to a hierarchy of authority.

View L > R
Left       :  Elite
Middle :  Bureaucratic lawmakers
Right    :  Majority of humanity

If the law truly encompassed and effected the protections of the vast majority then this planet would not be in such a condition, and the disparity of wealth would not be as extreme as it is today. The law in evidence does not seem to serve the majority of humanity; it appears to serve the few at the top of a pyramid.

An adult global council could address all those bureaucratic non-sense legal imbalances for an entire planet with dramatically far fewer laws. If lawyers and bureaucrats were tasked with implementing laws that redistributed resources, protected this planet, and eradicated debt, the time frame for an effective resolution, would be greater than the life cycle of Earth. 

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