Disc 23. Cruise Ship Power and Utilities

Nuclear technology has many positive uses. The Sun is a thermal nuclear reactor that provides free energy that makes Life on Earth possible. The Sun is a very large non rechargeable battery, it becomes depleted and dies, yet the Sun is an excellent example of clever universal engineering.

The overwhelming problem with nuclear technology is not nuclear technology, it is humanity, with childish use and implementation. Nuclear energy is critical for universal systems or humanity would not exist.

One solution could be SMR's small modular reactors. A Community Cruise Ship has different cores that will require different numbers of nuclear batteries (SMR’s) as the primary power plants. SMR's are much smaller, safer and even in a worst case nuclear SMR scenario; they are manageable and pose no real threat to the public.



With installation cost cutting no longer in the equation, humanity would have a reliable and efficient source of energy. The community is a vast cruise ship, it would require power plants that provide safe, clean and free energy to everyone.

Humanity has given nuclear technology a negative image with its own childish actions. One of humanity's immature first steps of a nuclear process was to weaponize the technology. Nuclear technology is not driving itself around in submarines on the bottom of oceans with enough missiles to blow a planet in half, humanity is.

Power for profit cost cutting construction of nuclear power plants is dangerous. Nuclear power plants do not need to flood in Tsunami’s or have insufficient shielding that devastates the land. Safer and more efficient fission /fusion reactors would be developed within a shorter time frame with the implementation of Community Cruise Ship Infrastructure.



In a Community Cruise Ship nothing about the implementation of nuclear technology is  too expensive. Unsustainable fossil fuels that damage systems on Earth would have no place in a Community Cruise Ship.

The Sun as a Nuclear Power Plant has operated safely for millions of years. Planet Earth's  shielding has operated safely for millions of years or humanity would not be here. Only humanity's childish activities have started to compromise protective systems, not the Sun’s fault, or Earths, just humanity's immaturity.

A Community Cruise Ship would not have unsightly wind farms or solar fields any more than you would find them on an actual cruise ship. Homes and other essential services would have supplemental emergency power systems. The residential belts all have utility  & green space belts for easy access and maintenance of utilities as in water, electricity, sewage, and communication.



The Community is a terrestrial cruise ship with primary nuclear power and supplemental emergency power as the two power systems. The Vast majority of community power operations would be managed from a core control hub as with the bridge on an actual ship.

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